Thomas Welfley

I build engineering teams and software. Whatever I build next will be better than anything I've built before.


Founder and Lead Engineer

Your weight before you weigh it. Forecasts based on where you go, how you get there, and what you spend.

See it in action

  • React Native apps for iOS and Android—weight change forecasting, place search with health impact predictions, and a food spend/activity timeline.

  • Restaurant weight impact scoring based on aggregate customer activity levels, weight data, and food spending.

  • Transaction geolocation based on automatically imported bank data, mobile device location tracking, and user profile cues.


Vice President of Engineering

13 million websites. 

Org Builder

Reorganized a global engineering team of fullstack engineers into both distinct disciplines (clients, services, and infrastructure) and tactical product teams. Enabled the onboarding and retention of 40 additional engineers.

Pragmatically Progressive

Architected and executed a micro-frontend strategy for shipping new UIs with independent, modern stacks. Facilitated a transition from Django/server side rendered UIs to static, client-side rendering while simultaneously improving the org's ability to ship new features quickly.

Outcome Oriented

Led the design and rapid execution of new APIs for Yola's primary SaaS sitebuilder product, securing both a strategic partnership with Plesk and additional funding.

100+ microservices and frontends

Executed a microservice architecture at scale, radically improving performance and site reliability.

100+ installables

Secured the adoption of code sharing via well tested, single-purpose installabes.

13 million websites

Shipped quality software on time and on budget while growing total sites from 6 million to 13 million.

8 currencies, 18 languages

Internationalized UI and purchase flows platform-wide rapidly, effectively, and consistently.

6,000+ pull requests per year

Designed and secured the adoption of a code review process, ensuring the quality of over 6,000 pull requests per year.

Global Engineering

Architected a multinational engineering org with teams in Ukraine, South Africa, and across the United States.

Open Source Projects

Contact Me

Are you building something big, complicated, and impressive? Let me know how I can help.